Meet the Penguins!

Whetū the little blue penguin and his friends are causing mischief through our streets this year, sprinkling snow over children in the weekends, wandering the streets, and dancing in the windows of our Town Hall.

If you’re in Greytown during the festival, head along to the Town Hall anytime day or night, and you can make them dance.  Scroll down to find out how you can make them boogie!

Our festival mascots are proudly supported by WBS. Get a photo with the penguins and WIN. Click here for details


Meet Whetū, the pint-sized penguin with a personality as big as the ocean he calls home! Whetū is the ambassador and official spokes-penguin for the festival. He’s been bulking up on fish all winter, to build up his energy reserves for a month of non-stop dancing and general merriment. When it comes to owning the dancefloor, this little guy proves that greatness comes in small packages.


Penny is the penguin with a taste for mischief, keeping the community on its flippers. She's the mastermind behind every snowball fight and a prankster who sneaks food from Martin Bosley’s Fish Shack. Called Penny-Gwyn by her mum when she’s cheeky, which is often. Her motto is “life’s too short not to slide headfirst into fun!”.

Mr Waddles

Mr Waddles is the penguin who embodies the phrase "slow and steady wins the race”, moving through life at his own unhurried pace. While other penguins zip and zoom, Mr. Waddles prefers a long waddle on the beach, while chomping on a rotten fish.


The coolest penguin in town, Brr-ian shuffles through life with an icy charm that melts hearts faster than an ice cube in a Wairarapa summer. When he's not chilling on an iceberg, he's busy perfecting his penguin dance moves. Brr-ian is here to put the "chill" in your day.

Want your very own friend of Whetū? Pick one up at Blackwell and Sons.